Wednesday 7 October 2009

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil...

Oi (that´s Portugese for hello) from Brazil! So we made it after a very teary goodbye to the parents at the airport and 11 hours of trying to avoid deep vein thrombosis and enjoying free nerve-calming gin and tonics/red wine on the flight - thanks BA! And now we´ve been here five days, waking up to the sound of monkeys and tropical birds (rather than foxes and pigeons), slowly adjusting to the jetlag - although I´m still waking up at 6.30am everyday - and just generally getting to know Rio slowly but surely; our motto for this trip being, ´It´s a marathon not a sprint.´ (Because

Highlights thus far: Cinelandia and the financial district (dodgy on a Sunday but packed with suits in the week), catching the tram up into the favelas and Santa Theresa and stopping at a little bar which was possibly the cutest place ever, and walking all the way from Leme to Leblon on the sand (which covers all of Copacabana and Ipanema). It took 6 hours in 30 degree heat (so we needed to stop off for Brahma and drink green coconuts, obvs) and I now have the most exfoliated feet ever, a tan and tight bum muscles - a recommended beauty treatment!

We´ve figured out the buses and the metro (it´s amazing how quickly a place starts to become familiar) despite the only word we seem to have learnt so far being ´thankyou.´ Well, Danny has... I´m still wondering if I'm supposed to say 'Obrigada´ rather than ´Obrigado,' (so I´ve taken the sensible approach and started to mumble the end bit). We´ve also just moved into a 24 bed dorm in Mellow Yellows. For 8 quid a night you get the bed, free breakfast, free internet and a free Caiprinha at Happy Hour. Bargain!

Today´s plan... If it´s clear, a trip up to Sugarloaf mountain (I want to go at sunset). Tchau for now!

FASHION NOTE: (Because it wouldn´t be right if I didn´t)... Brazilian women wear mismatching bikinis and embrace their curly hair. Not quite ready to let go of the straighteners yet, but watch this space...

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