Thursday 22 October 2009

Buenos Aires II, Argentina...

So yesterday was spent sampling all the delights Buenos Aires has to offer. We headed to Cafe Tortoni for coffee and medialunas (mini croissants), the cafe is over 150 years old (it opened in 1858) and famous writers like Borges used to frequent it. More recently Hilary Clinton has popped in for a coffee.

Next we took a long walk to Palermo, which is the fancy part of the city, and stopped at a very English-esque pub on Humboldt called (ironically) Bangalore, for a couple of pints of Quilmes. Finally we went to La Cupertina which is an amazing little restaurant where Danny had an Argentinian stew and I had incredible steak and queso on flat bread, all washed down with a bottle of Malbec red from Mendoza - I of course promptly smashed my glass and spilled it everywhere - but when the whole meal plus wine cost less than a fiver each who cares! (Probably the poor waitress who had to clear it up I hear you say... Well, yes there is that).

Right, we´re off now to explore the La Boca area of the city (and maybe see if we can get tickets to Argentina´s biggest football match this weekend, Boca Juniors V Riverplate) and also check out the Camanito. Oh, and we´ve learnt a few beginner steps of tango in preparation for La Catedral, the Milonga we are heading to next week. Strictly Come Dancing watch out...

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